
Daycare - $40 per day

Our Dog Daycare Program is second to none in the Cleveland area. This is largely due to our commitment to low volume. We are proud to have more staff-per-dog than any of our local competitors. Because of this, play groups are much smaller and safer. Put simply, our dog gets more individual attention when they spend the day with Beegan K9. 

While at our facility for the day, your dog will stay quite busy. They will spend most of their time here running around in our large indoor and outdoor play yards. In addition to several hours of structured playtime with other dogs, your dog will also participate in multiple group training sessions throughout the day. These sessions have been designed by our team of professional trainers specifically to make your dog use their brain. By the time you pick your dog up at the end of the day, you can be assured they will be properly exercised—both physically and mentally. This is a premium add-on at most dog daycares, but here it is built into our daycare schedule for every dog. We actually recommend our daycare programs to many past training clients of ours because it is such an effective way to manage a high energy dog.

We are a SCHEDULE ONLINE beforehand dog daycare. If you show up to our facility unannounced, we may be able to say hello, but otherwise it will be a fruitless journey for you and your dog. 

Daycare drop-off times run from 7:00AM until 9:00AM Monday-Friday. On a typical day, you would drop-off your dog at our facility during those times and pick them up during our pickup hours from 4:00PM until 6:00PM. All dogs still at our facility following the 6:00PM pickup time will be charged a $20 fee.

To get started, click the “sign up” button below and fill out our Daycare/Boarding Intake Form. Once that is complete, you will be redirected to a page to schedule your dog’s evaluation day! For those of you with multiple dogs, you will need to fill out one form for each dog because we currently evaluate only one dog per day. After evaluations, however, you will be able to send all of your dogs to daycare together! If you have any further questions, please attend our weekly Daycare Zoom Q&A on Sundays @6:00pm (link below) or email us at [email protected].

Our Facility